Enviromental Policy
Mission Statement: Diamond Discs Direct UK Ltd recognizes its responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods, with regular review points. We will encourage and engage with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to do the same by sharing ideas and new technology in areas of environmental responsibility.
Key Areas of Focus:
Vehicles and Fuel: We currently operate a fleet of EV vehicles for all our business use. These vehicles are charged with 100% sustainable renewable energy as supplied by our chosen energy supplier.
Packaging and Recycling: Our aim is to ensure sustainable packaging is used as much as possible and to reduce waste during the manufacture and distribution of our products. All our products are manufactured with 100% recyclable packaging. Our onsite facility recycles 100% of packaging used during the manufacturing process. All our diamond tools are marked with water-based screen printing methods using 100% biodegradable pigments. The steel centers and drill tubes used in our diamond tools are 100% recyclable after use.
Energy Use: We actively seek to reduce our use of electricity and aim to use renewable sources as much as possible. Our manufacturing facilities and offices use 100% renewable energy as supplied by our chosen energy partner. Our manufacturing and office facilities have been designed and constructed using energy-efficient methods wherever possible. Our fleet of electric vehicles is charged using 100% renewable energy supplies. We use low-voltage LED factory and office lighting systems.
Manufacturing Technology: We are actively seeking to reduce the environmental impact of our manufacturing processes, including raw materials, supply chain, engineering, and distribution. Since 2014, we have eliminated the use of highly energy-intensive cobalt in our metal bond manufacturing process. We have engineered the bonds in our diamond tools to use alloys that allow lower sintering temperatures during manufacture, using less energy while maintaining and improving tool performance. We ensure strict adherence to OSA (Organization of Safety of Abrasives) environmental guidelines during manufacture. We use water-based screen printing methods during manufacture with 100% biodegradable pigments.
Shipping and Distribution: Our chosen distribution partners are compliant with ISO 14001 for their environmental management systems. We manage local distribution with our EV fleet of vehicles wherever possible to further reduce our carbon footprint.